I am very excited to announce this fantastic new venture that Rick Otton and myself will be part of. On the 15th March, Rick Otton and myself will be holding a special lease options training course. If you are completely new to lease options (or property investment) or if you are an avid property investor, this course is suited to you as there is a beginners and advanced level.
We will be divulging all our lease option knowledge on this event and should not be missed.
For a special message from Rick Otton and to find out how to book places on this course (seats are limited and are first come, first serve), fill in your details below.
var playerhost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://galanding.s3.amazonaws.com/ezs3js/secure/” : “http://galanding.s3.amazonaws.com/ezs3js/player/”);
document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + playerhost + “flv/3094BF77-D991-6F70-B2BC19A3678EBA25.js’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”));
To get your eight FREE videos simply pop your primary email address in the box below. After confirming your email, your first video will arrive in your mail box.
One thing, you will need to add my email address to your address book. By doing, this you avoid any of the emails I send you ending up in your spam folder. One final thing; I hate spammers. So I will NEVER share your email with any third party.