Discover the most profitable investing strategies from Glenn Armstrong himself...

SUNDAY 11th OCTOBER 2020 - 11am to 3pm

You are invited to join 
"The Godfather of Property" ...

Join Glenn Armstrong, for a live Zoom Meeting, from 11am to 3pm, and discover how he has been able to master highly profitable Delayed Completions, and engineer the most efficient no-money-down deals... (plus many other innovative and profitable strategies).

Glenn has an arsenal of 24 innovative investing strategies. He has tried and tested ALL of these strategies, and these are the ones he has found to be most valuable and profitable... 

Glenn has a wealth of knowledge surrounding property investing... If you'd like to see more first, why not tune in to our Youtube and watch Glenn in action, advising his Students on their potential deals? Here's an example of how he helps his Mentees and Private Clients. 


So, are you ready to make a profit with property, like many of Glenn's students?

Spend a few hours with Glenn Armstrong, and discover some valuable investing strategies... (for FREE!)

Join the webinar to hear how there are still opportunities in this unprecedented situation we now find ourselves in, and what you can do to to prepare now and be ready for when this is all back to normal! As the property market is now up and running again, don't waste any time! 

Don't MISS OUT!! Register NOW for the Webinar