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Lead Bay
"Property is the fruit of labour; property is desirable; it is a positive good in the world."
David Bach
Lead Bay is a website that specialises in trading below market value property deals and property leads.
Visit to trade property and access fantastic leads and deals.
If you have surplus property leads coming from your website or other sources then Lead Bay is a fantastic facility to enable you to put your leads in front of thousands of serious property investors.
If you are a serious property investor then by registering on Lead Bay you can have property leads or property deals sent directly to you by text or email as they are entered in to our system.
Lead Bay puts your leads in front of serious buyers!
- Done deals
- Deals agreed in principle with the vendor
What our clients say:
“We used Lead bay in the first instance to source leads as we built our property portfolio. We have now registered as sellers and have access to hundreds of committed investors - what a fantastic tool to have at your fingertips.”
Coreen and Phil
If you are seeking financial freedom, or have money to invest and want to achieve an average 20% annual return on your investment, then call us now on 01908 423700
Property Investment advice at its best by Glenn Armstrong