Title Splitting is one of my most profitable investor strategies and I am running a day which will go through how you can also be successful with this strategy. We only have TWO spaces left, so book now to avoid disappointment.
On the day, I’m going to share with you an overview of title splitting and what it is, and we will then go around Milton Keynes physically looking at 12-14 of the title splitting projects we’ve recently done. We’ll then spend the afternoon going through these projects to teach you how you can source these opportunities and replicate my success strategy.
On a training day we’ve run previously, one person who attended actually went back and revisited a deal he’d previously turned down as it was a perfect opportunity to use what he’d learned on the day. He went on to make £80,000 profit on the deal.
You don’t know what you’re leaving on the table before seeing what we’ve done– it could mean you’re missing opportunities that are right under your nose.
One of my clients who recently joined my programme split one bungalow into two, and did a small extension and he made just under £100,000. And a second deal, we helped him find, will make him close to £130,000 profit.
We’ll show you how to source the deals, what the common pitfalls are, and how to make the most of these opportunities which you may have previously turned down, or even missed entirely! To book onto the day, please email [email protected] who will send you more information.
© 2018 Glenn Armstrong |
created by Rak Design